Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha
Welcome to Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha
Program Name: Certificate distribution by MSME/TIME

Riona Sevabhavi sanstha had organised Management Effectiveness, & Cluster development program from 13th to 16th December. A certificate distribution ceremony was organised for those who participated in this program. Many people took advantages of the program and also were present at the Certificate Distribution ceremony.

The certificates were given out by Mr. K. T. Mane, President of Riona Seva Bhavi Sanstha, and the Program Development Officer of TIME institute, Mr. Pawar himself

  So please upload the details given and also attached photos of the certificate distribution program.

Program Name: Certificate distribution by MSME/TIME.
Organised by  : Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha
Date              :
Program Name: Management effectiveness, productivity & cluster development program

Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha organized a seminar on Management effectiveness, productivity & Wine Cluster development program. The event was organized on 13-16th Dec at Miraj lending a hand was TIME management institute, Kolhapur.

The program was in point of the fact to create awareness about the Wine cluster and its benefits to all. In this context, there were seminars and lectures given by the experts in the fields. The MSME Development institute personnel also attended the program and guided for the wine cluster development. Various seminars and discussions were carried out during the 4 day program. Present at the program were experts from the TIME institute, MSME ministry personnel, Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha president, Mr. K.T.Mane. About 60 people took the benefits from the program, including many farmers, winery owners, and others as well.

Program Name: Management effectiveness, productivity & cluster development program.
Organised by  : Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha
Date              :13-16th december 2010
Cultural Program :

the cultural program organised by Riona Sevabhavi Sastha at Miraj on 31st December. A number of children participated in this program. Trophies & Awards were also distributed amongst the winners.

Riona Sevabhavi Sanstha